Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Vocabulary III: Definitions ๐ŸFall๐Ÿ

1. Anesthetize: administer an anesthetic to a person or animal, especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness

2. Archaism: an old word or phrase that is no longer used

3. Catharsis: the act or process of removing strong or violent emotions by expressing them through writing, talking, acting, etc.

4. Colloquialism: an expression or word used in informal conversation

5. Cudgel: (a) a short thick stick used as a weapon (b) to start to fight for an idea that you believe in

6. Egregious: an egregious mistake, failure, problem, etc. is extremely bad and noticeable

7. Euphonious: (of sound, especially speech) pleasing to the ear

8. Frivolous: (a) not serious or sensible, especially in a way that is not suitable for a particular occasion (b) a frivolous person likes having fun rather than doing something serious or sensible things - used to show disapproval

9. Inadvertently: without realizing what you are doing - accidental

10. Incendiary: (n.) a bomb designed to cause a fire (adj.) an incendiary speech, piece of writing, etc. is intended to make people angry

11. Jargon: words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group of people, which are difficult for other people to understand - often used to show disapproval

12. Perverted: (n.) someone whose sexual behavior is considered unnatural and unacceptable (v.) a) to change in an unnatural and often harmful way b) to influence someone so that they begin to think or behave in an immoral way

13. Provocation: an action or event that makes someone angry or upset, or is intended to do this

14. Saxon: Nationality & Race: a member of the race of people from northern Europe that came to live in England in the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon: (a) someone who belonged to the race of people who lived in England from about 600 AD (b) the language used by Anglo-Saxons (c) a white person, especially someone whose family originally came from England

15. Scrupulous: (a) very careful to be completely honest and fair (b) doing something very carefully so that nothing is left out

16. Slovenly: lazy, untidy, and careless

17. Sordid: (a) involving immoral or dishonest behavior (b) very dirty and unpleasant

18. Superfluous: more than is needed or wanted - unnecessary

19. Swindle: a situation in which someone gets money by deceiving someone else

20. Taboo: (n.) a custom that says you must avoid a particular activity or subject, either because it is considered offensive or because you religion does not allow it (adj.) a) a taboo subject, word, activity is one that people avoid because it is extremely offensive or embarrassing b) not accepted as socially correct c) too holy or evil to be touched or used

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