Friday, September 2, 2016

Everybody, Here's A Good Song To Listen To!!!

Happy Friday..... I hope y'all had a fabulous week! Usually, after school on Friday's, I just knock out and fall into a deep sleep, but I got some rest last night (more than what I typically get) - so to explain why I am up writing this post. It's been awhile since I last did this, but today I decided to lay down and think of all that has happened this week (and it is the laying down part that I haven't done in awhile because you could bet that I am constantly thinking).
When I am exhausted I can fall asleep wherever and Monday I guess I did just that on the hard wood floor, and my dog decided to join (he's so sweet). And, yes, there was a sleeping bag laying around and blankets everywhere because we had twelve relatives and friends crash at our place for a few days.

This week, like many others, surely has gotten me pooped. Already, if you haven't read my previous posts, I had fallen ill quickly this school year. I am notorious for not getting adequate amounts of rest, and that IS GOING TO CHANGE because I am making it my goal to figure out and stick to a sleep/wake schedule. I realized that lack of sleep does indeed catch up to you, and just as my Psychology book had stated, those who are sleep deficient are no longer able to concentrate and remember things well. I am a memory whiz, but slowly I could see that is deteriorating as the days pass by. It truly is draining and gets bothersome to know that you were once terrifically happy and lively, hardly ever getting sick, to now trudging along the days wishing for sleep. I genuinely have to find that balance in order to live a healthy and happy life. Maybe some of you that read this can relate. For whatever the reason, nobody should be losing sleep - it's UNHEALTHY! So as I partake in accomplishing my goal, I challenge you to join me in creating better and wholesome habits! It does not just have to be sleep. For example, if you struggle with nutrition make a SMALL CHANGE. Rather than reaching for a bag of chips when you are hungry eat a bag of baby carrots or an apple. It will be the little changes you make that will propel you to the end!

Anyways, as I lay down with my feet propped up against the wall (Yoga: Legs Up the Wall Posture exercise) and I listen to joyful music, I had thought of that Lilo and Stitch scene where lilo locks her older sister out of the house and just wants to be left alone (because in the moment I just want to escape for a bit and relax some). And what a coincidence! He Mele No Lilo started playing off my playlist! I love the atmosphere and soundtrack that follows this movie, and so as this song came on I could not help but feel gleeful. And I thought I might share the song because it is such an uplifting one to listen to.

And if you are having a Lilo moment listen to this song:

Getting this chance to lay down reminded me of the importance to give our bodies a break every now and then. It will do no good to try and keep pushing your body when there is hardly any fuel left in the tank. We must regularly renew and remind ourselves that health is above anything else, and that it is essential we treat our bodies with care. For me, laying down helps to calm and re-energize me. You should try it out for yourself. Even for a slight five to ten minutes, simply lay down and close your eyes....... IT WILL HELP. Trust me, you will not be wasting any time. It is better to take a break then to sit there and be frustrated. Staring at the textbook/screen and rereading the content over and over again will get you nowhere. You will regret and look back upon these times wishing you'd taken the break because during that time you were frustrated you could have easily went off to recollect yourself and come back rejuvienated and ready to tackle the problem once more. So do not be that person who looks back to wish they did not do something. Instead do all that you could knowing that you tried every possibilty there was! However though, when you do take a break, try and not let yourself fall asleep because break time isn't sleep time, break time is a short rest to help refocus ones attention and clear the mind!! :D

1 comment:

  1. YAAASSSS ELVIS! ^-^ <3 I enjoyed reading this; I think I'll try to make a few little healthy changes here and there :p As for the taking a break while doing homework part... I'll have to work especially hard to not fall asleep, but it's worth giving a shot cx Nice post! :)
