Saturday, September 10, 2016

GlobeCentury: A Satirical Project

My Satire project was inspired by the following events and everyday living:

  •  A friend of mine, who came back from a week of camping, told me how she realized she uses her phone way too often. The place where she camped at had no service and reception; therefore, she was left phone-less for an entire week. I do not know how she did it! I would think she'd be dying the whole trip. Knowing her and the amount of time she is on that device of hers, I can speculate she felt disconnected and was most likely thinking about being able to use her phone again after this camping trip. She admitted to me that she missed having to use her phone. However, she did have an enjoyable time and this experience was a humongous eye opener.
  • All my family, outside of my immediate family, live up north and in order to stay connected with them we use social media. In a recent Facebook post my aunt had put up, showed her eating dinner with the family. The strange thing about the photo was not everyone was looking up and smiling at the camera. Instead, everybody's heads were down looking at their devices, including the children.. It is amazing to see how engorged people can get when on their devices to the point they don't even recognize someone is taking a picture of them. Family time is bonding time, not everybody sit at the table and pull out your cell phones time.
  • Last year, two friends of mine got IPhone 6's for their sixteenth birthday and during lunch time, rather than engaging with what was happening around them, they were playing around with their new phones. At one point, I even mentioned to them that they were so focused on their phones they hadn't even touched their food. They only then said "I know huh" and continued on tinkering with their electronic devices. That day I witnessed how electronics can take over somebody's life.
  •  This year, during lunch time, my friends and I went to our usual eating area. In this classroom, the teacher always has a movie playing. And it was on this one particular day the teacher walks by and says "Look at you all on your guys' phones." Now, my friends they are constantly using their phones and on social media. Me on the other hand, I typically do not go on social media too often and was working on homework, but I guess it still counts as using an electronic device. Also, looking at this from another perspective, I can see how my former teacher would view us as a group of friends all on our phones rather than talking to each other.

Here is my presentation on the influences of mass media and my solution to                                               this issue. I hope you enjoy!

To bad you cannot view this presentation with the animations I had incorporated. It would have added another dimension to this project, but this is what I could do with uploading a PowerPoint onto Blogger.

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