Saturday, September 17, 2016

I'm Having The Time Of My LIfe

"Life has many ways of testing a persons' will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once."                                    -Paulo Coelho

This post was suppose to be made on the day of September 14th, but I knew there was no way in heck I would want to be writing this post during the weekday. Reason being is because I did not have time to sit down at my desk and write about having the time of my life when I really was not. Okay, it is not about having the time to because it would have taken me only a slight 10 minutes to do so, but every second counted this week and I was just in no mood to write something about having the time of my life. I had four tests coming to me on Friday, preparing for the History Press Conference was a nightmare, and having to take a group test for math on Wednesday was not any fun either. So here's to the weekend at 2 something in the morning.... The only reason I am up right now is because Friday was a minimum day. I took the bus home and walked with my friend to her house. There I finished up an assignment due at 2:00 pm and caught up with this good friend of mine. After about an hour I went home to finish the vocabulary quiz. And after that I was gone. Out cold. I passed out around 4:00. I know this is so unhealthy, but my body could no longer handle it. I was a zombie for three or four days getting zero to little sleep because of this press conference. I did whatever I needed to do for this project and I just happened to be sacrificing my health. I woke up around 11:00 pm.... That is seven hours of sleep peoples! That is probably the most I've ever slept since this school year started. I felt so great when I woke up, and the most lovely thing that resulted from this nap (that ended up turning into the best sleep I've gotten) was the dark circles had disappeared from under my eyes. I am telling you bad. It should have never turned to be this way, but there is always time for a change and Dr.Preston tells us that this will probably be the last weekend to invest our time intentionally, and I plan to just do that. Catch up on all that I have to do, and I am soooooo excited because in about a few hours I will partake in the Coastal Cleanup Day. Hopefully I'll sneak in a few more zzzzzz before the event.
Okay, this is not only the most lovable costume, but this little girl sums up all that has happened these past few weeks. She falls (me) but does not cry about it and is quick to say she is OKAY! I am indeed okay. It will just take some good nights of rest and only time will tell....

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