Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sometimes My Mind......

thinks about what I could have done differently, and sometimes my thoughts are about the endless possibilities I have.

Lately, I have been wondering if I have been working myself too hard? Just this Friday I had one of my teachers tell us to enjoy our weekend and that if we have five or six classes to work on we should take a break. I giggled and said to myself "IMPOSSIBLE." When it comes to school I sacrifice several things, especially family time. In fact, for about a month now, my family has had this camping trip planned out for this weekend.
On my mom's side I have many aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of them live up north and we (my family and I) so happen to be the oddballs out who live here in Santa Maria - 400 miles away. As a result, my mom's family are always able to gather together and do all these spectacular things. It is difficult for my family to partake in these spectacular events since we live far away and all have such busy schedules, but it was this year and this month that we would all finally get to do something together. At first, my parents were adamant about not going because they are not the outdoors type of people, but it was me who begged and convinced them that we should go. Lets just get one thing straight. I do not go out of town often, I have not gone to a lot of places, nor have I experienced much. As a matter of fact, I did not even know what In-N-Out was until last year..... I think. People think I am crazy and always want to drag me out so I can go to more places, but I can only wish. Don't get me wrong though, I am grateful for what I have gotten to experience thus far and would not replace any of that!

Anyway, I was highly anticipating this family trip. I was looking forward to my first ever camping experience: roasting marshmallows, hiking trails, using no phones, sleeping in a tent, etc. However, from the beginning of this month I kept contemplating if I would be able to go or not. And as the days were nearing to this outing I ended up painfully give up this camping day and picked school over family bonding time. The decision was a matter of what was more important, and in this moment schooling prevailed once more. I am telling you what school does to you. This leads me to also think is it worth working hard now so I don't have to later. I'm always told to work hard now so I don't have to later or so that I do not have to struggle later on. I wonder is this always going to be true? Will those who work hard now really not work hard later on in their lives? Because right now that absolutely does not seem to be the case. I hope that I will eventually see the pay off because I know it is out there somewhere...

As for now, I lay here with my adorable dog, Izzy, because I cannot move or do anything in this 90 degree weather!
Huh, I wonder what goes through my dog's mind...... I bet he is probably just relishing the time he gets to be in the house. I frequently find Izzy sleeping on his back and I do not know if that is more comfortable for him or if he likes it when the sun touches his belly. Who knows? Maybe he likes the new perspective on things?

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