Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mistakes For President

AAAaaaahhhh..... this first debate is worse than this extremely hot and humid weather, and that has to say a lot! To be quite frank, I know absolutely nothing about politics and have no interest whatsoever in what two people have to fight about. I guess you can say I am dumb on this subject matter. Ask me anything about what is currently happening and I probably will have little or nothing to say. And so here goes nothing as I have to watch at least fifteen minutes of what seems to be nonsense and report on logical fallacies that I have observed as part of my homework for this class tonight. BTW, this reminded me of Bridge to Terabithia when Leslie comes in as a new student and already hears her first assignment which is to watch this program at 7:00 pm and to write a page explaining what she has learned. Okay back to the debate.... ohhhh wait one more thing is it true that trump wears a wig? About five minutes in, my first comment was about Trump's weird looking top hair. And my dad heard and told me it is fake... IDK, I may just be blind and cannot tell false hair from real hair.... you just never know. I mean the hair was thinner in some parts creating this glow that the light illuminated through. It is probably just me, but that certainly caught my attention. I can look this up, but I do not wish to see what people have to say on Trump necessarily and I do not want my pages to be blowing up with Presidential elections and debates and pictures filling the ads on pages I am visiting. OMG another thing is Trump's look and demeanor and everything about him just does not seem to portray the role of a president if you want my honest opinion. Okay not trying to bash anyone here, but I did get waaay off topic lol. This here must be some type of logical fallacy right..... irrelevant and off topic.

All joking aside, logical fallacies are common errors in reasoning that weakens the logic of your argument. With that being said, after viewing the first 45 minutes or so, or until the first segment was finished with (because I couldn't watch any further), I noticed many fallacies on behalf of these two candidates. To start, you have Clinton calling awareness to Trump's success and how he is fortunate in life to have started a business of 14 million dollars with the help of his father's money. Of course trump argues back and states that he took a small loan from his father and has successfully turned that into a billion dollar business.  When it comes time for Trump's two minutes he wants to talk about Clinton and before going into what he wants to say he first makes sure it is fine with Clinton that she be referred to as Secretary Clinton. Here Trump claims that all parties are to be happy and that this is important to clarify. Trump keeps talking about who knows what and brings up how Clinton, for 30 years of being a politician, should have been doing these things for years and not right now. And so it goes Trump would go over his two minutes and Lester (the ever so kind moderator for this first debate) even tries to interrupt Trump but he just keeps babbling on. Eventually, Lester is able to tell Trump "back to the question though...."  

Not even within 15 minutes or so these two start bickering at each other. You get the first interruption from Trump as Clinton speaks about clean renewable energy. Hilary says "Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese." Pew, pew shots fired! And this is when Trump interrupts by saying this is not true and basically saying that Clinton is putting words in his mouth. Again, Trump brings up Hilary's 30 years in the making and how she has been doing this for some years now yet she now just starts to come out with solutions. In response, Clinton says that she has actually thought about this for quite some time and Trump interrupts with "yeah for 30 years" which makes the audience chuckle.  Out of nowhere Clinton in a way brags about her husband's presidency. Now I know nothing about this plan that Bill Clinton signed, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Hilary will obviously not go against what her husband did and not talk about bad things to demote him or herself. Trump keeps making remarks about this plan that Bill Clinton signed and how it is the worst thing to have ever happened, but Clinton comes back saying that this was his opinion. The funniest thing said in this debate, that was about midway from what I watched, was probably Clinton saying "I know Donald you live in your own reality." HAhaha, very funny But does it have to do with anything pertaining to the question? I didn't think so...... What does this have to do about anything about achieving prosperity? Beats me.....

It is unbelievable how many times Trump interjects Hilary. He does it so often that I found myself getting distracted and not even listening to what Hilary had to say. As a result, I can see that Trump was effective in barging into Hilary's talk causing this diversion. At one point in this debate you have Hilary promoting her book and website and telling the people that if they wanted facts they could visit her webpage anytime. In addition, Hilary says that she minus well be blamed for everything and that people should join this debate by saying crazy things..... Personal insults were also roused during this whole dispute. I heard Hilary say on more than one occasion that it minus well be "Trump down Trickle down". She also says "Trump loop hole" somewhere. In this argument there was several replies and comments that were unnecessary. One was when Trump begins one of his talks with saying how after Barack Obama goes off he will be playing golf as part of his retirement. Not cool dude..... Another thing spoken about that was so sudden and irrelevant was the talk about ISIS. I do not know why this came about, but I remember clearly that Trump told Clinton that she has been fighting ISIS all her adult life..... now that is just cruel.

In the midst of all this chaos you have poor Lester who somehow manages to keep the two on track. Here is Lester trying to move onto the next segment giving Hilary only 30 seconds before having to move on, but then comes in Trump wanting to speak some more..... DUN DUN DUN. No, but really the two (especially Trump) would not stop talking. It was until Trump had said something about being way ahead of schedule and Lester then is able to stop this discussion by mentioning how they were way behind schedule. And so onto the next segment they go.... I am in no mood to try and continue to watch these two keep fighting and talking over one another so I stopped at the first segment. This being my first debate I have seen was quite interesting. Did I enjoy it? Ummmm... I guess you can so. I liked watching the two fight and argue like little kids, but after awhile I had enough and knew I didn't want to continue watching. And so after about 45 minutes here was all that I have observed based on errors I heard.

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