Saturday, September 17, 2016

I Got Attacked By A Dog Today!

After I helped with Coastal Cleanup Day I had a few hours to get some homework done before having to go to the hospital to volunteer. I never mind volunteering and it mainly happens during the weekend where I do not have to stress about school work. Volunteer work takes my mind off of things, especially the cleanup day. I do not know when the last time I went to beach, and even though I went to the beach to clean it up I still enjoyed just being there with my toes in the sand and seeing and hearing the ocean. I tell you any little thing I will take pleasure in because living where I do and having all this work for school keeps me from going out and exploring. Anyways, you are probably wanting to hear the dog story..... so going to the hospital I told those that I work with that I will be back because I had to pick up my new uniform in the conference room outside of the hospital. Oh, and another thing apart from the dog story is in the conference room the volunteer coordinators were holding a pizza party for the volunteens and volunteers and as a couple of people, including myself, were filing in we were told to guess how many jelly beans were in the jar before they were going to announce the winner. And I said it in my head that it would be so funny if I just came in, estimated the number, and won a prize. And that just happened. However, it  did not go down that easily. The announcer said this other person won the jar of jellybeans having guessed 448 when there was 615 jellybeans in total. I knew I should have won because I guessed 475, but I did not want to chance thinking that because maybe I heard the number, of what the person guessed, incorrectly. But it was until a boy said shouldn't I be closer since I guessed 800 and the announcer said no the person guessed 448 which is closer and that is when I brought up that I should have won. I told the announcer and they told me that they thought I wrote down 445 and I told them no I wrote 475 down. They went to reaffirm and came back saying they couldn't read my handwriting and apologized and they seemed to be looking around for the person who "won", but I told them not to take the jar of jellybeans from the person and that it is fine. I ended up getting a free premiere movie ticket...... let's just see if I'll ever use it any time soon.

Again to the story, so after 5 minutes of staying at this pizza party I left to return back to the hospital because I was just beginning my shift. And as I was walking on the sidewalk (which happened to be really narrow) I saw this older woman with a stick and her dog on a leash. They stopped at a tree where the dog was sniffing the tree, and I only thought of how cute this dog is being so fluffy and beautifully colored. As I approached the two and was passing by the dog attacked my left leg near my knee and was barking fiercely. I was startled and to my surprise did not yell, but backed away quickly and made a sound of aaahhh. I was retreading back slowly and the woman was apologizing profusely and asking if whether her dog had gotten me and telling me that she did not hear me coming. Yes, I understand she couldn't hear me because I do walk lightly (I guess), but I just couldn't think of anything in the moment. I told the woman that no her dog did not get me, but I did feel my leg tingle a bit hoping that the teeth did not pierce my skin. This lady held her dog by the collar and told me to pass and continued to apologize. I told her not to worry and all I can hear her saying is Bad Dog and she crossed the street as to avoid the other people ahead. I went up to the floor I worked on and went straight to restroom to check if I was okay. There was mud on the side of pants which I did not notice when I was outside and looked to see if there was blood. I checked my leg and thankfully the dog didn't pierce the skin, but instead left a gnarly bruise. The last time I was ever bitten by a dog was probably when I was eight and a neighborhood chihuahua came barking and charging to bite a piece of my calf. I remember this incident so well because someone had let this chihuahua out on purpose to attack a family friend of mine, but instead the dog attacked me and sent me to the E.R. This made me dislike Chihuahuas even more and especially the person who intentionally let their dog out to bite someone. What happened to me today was nothing near this childhood event, but it sure did wake me up. I guess in the moment I did not want the woman to feel bad, but I am sure she knew that her dog is a biter. I am by no means mad at this person because I know it will do no good. I am just glad nothing serious happened.

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