Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bad Words: Don't You Dare Say That!

I agree Dr. Preston, I agree. There are no bad words, but there are bad people with bad intentions. It is the way one perceives words that greatly affect the outcome of the situation. In other words, the person speaking says one thing, but the person receiving these spoken words may interpret them in a different manner. Thus, miscommunication arises and causes conflicts.  What makes words bad is the way one directs the words. I hear it many times, "Do not say stupid it is a bad word" or "No, stupid isn't a bad word word but f*ck is." There is no difference. Both are words of the English Language. When people direct these types of words toward other people or other things it is not the words that are bad, but the people saying them that are bad. So no we should not be getting this confused. We should be able to say swear words without being looked at as bad people, unless words are intentionally used to hurt someone than yes consider that person evil. Bad words are not everywhere. It is bad people everywhere. No matter where you go you will hear people talking crap about other people. There is no stopping what people say. Sure, washing your mouth out with soap will temporarily help to eliminate swearing, but this will never be the solution to permanently stopping people from cussing. In fact, we should be able to let out swear words for the right reasons because they occasionally do slip out. Saying swear words should never define a person because it is indeed all just words in the end, and as previously mentioned these words may just be words but they do hold great authority when used in the wrong context of things.

I clearly recall an experience about saying my first "bad" word in school. It was back in fifth grade when I had entered an essay competition and had to write about why I should win the bike. I had used the word 'butt' and as my teacher was reading over my work she chuckled and began saying "No, no you cannot say that!" I was so perplexed and she even whispered in my ear "you cannot say butt." I sat there and was probably turning red because I did not know what to think. All that was running through my head was my teacher had just told me I cannot use the word butt! How silly right? So that day I went around saying butt to see how people reacted..... Not really! Are you kidding me? I was never that courageous. But saaaaay what! Butt a bad word? I don't know, maybe I should have used gluteus maximus because you know gluteus maximus is more scientific and a "friendlier" approach than butt? That is some serious euphemism (Check out my To Use In Place Of Another Word/Phrase... to find out more on euphemism)!

I almost feel like I am doing something wrong here? I do not know what to think of this post as I am nearing an end to this conversation. Should I consider that fact that I had just said crap and f*ck? If you know me well enough you would know I do not like swearing. I do not like hearing swear words, I do not like saying them, and I just do not like them altogether. If anything, I would burst out a word here or there because I stubbed my toe on something, but that is about it. When I do say cuss words I feel strange, and it is as though I do not accept them and it is against my will to speak of these words. It is not my nature to be going around saying these types of words even if I did not intend anything bad about them. I think this is in part of being aware and knowing how words with bad intentions can hurt and affect a person. I know all to well about this and liked nothing about the experience. I guess this can explain my disgust for swear words. Goodie Two-shoe I am, but I am proud of it! Ultimately, it is not my opinion on how I feel about swear words in general. It is the knowledge of knowing the impact of words and how it's the wrong people with the wrong intentions that create the bad words and not the other way around.

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