Sunday, August 28, 2016

What Does This Phrase Even Mean!


The brain gears start turning and I jokingly would say, "Well, wouldn't that be what math and science is all about!"

However, in all seriousness, I do recall hearing this somewhere, and maybe not those exact words per se. I just cannot recall... perhaps it was in math or chemistry class that I did hear this. Who knows!
What I believe this phrase is signifying is the act of WORKING SYNERGISTICALLY. To rather simplify, think of COLLABORATIVE WORK VERSUS WORKING INDIVIDUALLY. In most cases, it would be best to work with others than on your own. This way you are not on solo mission, and you have people to back you up or refute your ideas, but with reasoning. You have suggestions bouncing off one another, and together you are able to come to a consensus and create something bigger! More than what you could have thought on your own.

Just like the case of Socrates and the traditional Socratic discussions. Here you had a group of men sit down, ask a question, share ideas, and build/build/build until everyone understood and could agree upon an answer. And guess what? It was SUCCESSFUL!!! A successful method to proposing an issue or question, and learning throughout the whole session of debate! As is apparent since schools exists and why classes hold Socratic seminars! I love you Socrates, but DARN you!

Everybody has ideas and thoughts of their own, each having their personal strengths and weaknesses. And when these strengths integrate with one another, truly remarkable work is produced. Furthermore, the whole (what everyone contributes to) outnumbers and is considerably more compared to the parts (what one could do by themselves) that make up the whole are on their own.

I can personally relate to this, and I think everybody could in some shape or form. You always hear "There is no I in TEAM", and it is rightfully and perfectly true! We are constantly reminded of this for a reason. When playing volleyball, or any team sport for that matter, coaches always emphasize working together. How there is no team if someone believes to be better than everyone else, doing their own things. That we must work in tandem with each other in order to successfully perform and beat the opponents. Because if everybody was there own person on court, and did what they were only good at then there is no game to play. This clearly shows how each and every persons' assets can be incorporated to produce something more substantial and glorious.
I have to admit, I prefer working on my own...... No Lie there! But sometimes it is better to work with others. Surely, I can do better at trying to be more open to working with my peers than to keep my ideas inside and never share it.  It is possible that someone has something to contribute, or I can be the one helping somebody else. Are you this type of person to say you're not the collaborative kind? Well then, you shall join me in making a change on oneself for the better!

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