Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Officer Who Paid For My Smoothie!

Still ill, but that is not going to stop me from posting this last post of the day! My eyes are watering profusely as though I have been cutting fresh onions! I have had to go to the restroom to blow my nose and wash my hands for about the hundredth time now! I tell you Super-Duper Fun being sick....

As I take a break from my studies and sit here in a glum state, I just happened to remember something fabulous that happened to me this summer. One afternoon, as I walked with my friend into the Hancock cafeteria area for our lunch break, I had mentioned wanting to get a smoothie (since this place had both a grill and Cafe). This friend insisted that we go and get one; however, as we wait in line behind the officer purchasing his drink, I was complaining to my friend that I cannot possibly get one. That I only had enough money to buy myself some food. My friend continued to pester me and said that I should just get the smoothie for that day, but knowing me I have to EAT!

You are probably thinking to yourself, "why couldn't my friend help pay for the drink?" My friend, being the person that he is, would have undoubtedly paid for the drink, but he didn't have money on him and he brought his own lunch for the day. So, no, my friend is not a penny-pinching person.

As we were about to leave, this officer turns around and offers to pay for my drink. Of course, being me, I had to refuse his offer, but he was not having it. I remember him pointing to his watch and saying my time was going to expire. And I told him it is fine multiple times, and that I will buy food elsewhere. Realizing that nobody was going nowhere, I ended up picking my strawberry, banana smoothie. An extra bonus, my friend ended up also getting a free smoothie!

What made it all the more better was that I was having a terrible day to the point I did not even recognize the policeman standing in front of us. It was until he turned around and said what do you want that made me go OH SHOOT! I was complaining about money and me not being able to get a smoothie this whole time, and this kind officer overheard EVERYTHING! This officer truly made my day better.

It just happens to work out where you may be having a bad day, but someone magically will cross paths with you to brighten up your day!

He did not know how happy he made me, but I am sure must have felt great pride to be helping somebody out. His little generosity certainly illuminated my day!

To this day, I will never forget what this officer had done for me, and cannot stop thanking the dude! Thank you Officer Torey for the smoothie!

         Next time you see an officer be sure to thank them for all that they do!

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