Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocabulary II: Sentences 🍁Fall🍁

1. By a certain age, everybody begins to seek for approbation of their peers.

2. The only way for Lisa to assuage her guilt was to tell everyone the truth.

3. In order to make the downtown area of the city more communal, a coalition of city council members fashioned a game plan.

4. Fernando was kindled by Jessica's taste for decadence; she was like the Marilyn Monroe of her generation.

5. Police officers use cunning tactics to elicit information from their subjects.

6. Several work places offer filling out a customer service questionnaire because it is an outstanding way for people to expostulate their opinions.

7. Although I like him as a talk show host, his hackneyed catchphrase started to get on my nerves.

8. All of central America was overjoyed to hear that the band would have a new album coming out after a seven-year hiatus.

9. Lawyers dutifully shall intercede for their clients in court appearances.

10. Advertisements oftentimes use a form of innuendo to sell their products.

11. After countless times of being heart broken, Landon was jaded with love.

12. The controversial artist is known for his lurid depictions and portraits of women.

13. For Stacey's meritorious services she was awarded with a plaque and recognition in her community.

14. Vivian was portrayed as a petulant movie star by numerous of people.

15. Because Jason has wrestled since a young age, he had the prerogative to reject new member applications.

16. In many romantic movies you can find a heroine who dreams of leaving her provincial life to find her prince charming in the big city.

17. The nursing students had to do a simulation on a case study about shortness of breath.

18. Every athletes desire is to train hard in order to allow them to transcend into the upper divisions of competition, and ultimately (if they are truly dedicated) into the Olympic games.

19. Micky took umbrage that his coach took him out of the game in the third quarter.

20. The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get even the nerds to give her their prom queen votes.

Vocabulary II: Definitions 🍁Fall🍁

1. Approbation: official phrase or approval

2. Assuage: (a) to make an unpleasant feeling less painful and severe (b) to provide relief; causing to feel better

3. Coalition: (a) a union of two or more political parties that allow them to form a government or fight an election together

4. Decadence: behavior that shows that someone has low moral standards and is more concerned with pleasure than serious matters

5. Elicit: (a) to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone (b) evoke or draw out a response, answer, or fact from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions

6. Expostulate: to express strong disapproval, disagreement, or annoyance with someone

7. Hackneyed: a hackneyed phrase is boring and does not have much meaning because it has been used so often (b) (of a phrase or idea) lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite

8. Hiatus: (a) a break or interruption in an activity (b) a space where something is missing, especially in a piece of writing

9. Intercede: to speak in support of someone, especially in order to try to prevent them from being punished

10. Innuendo: (a) a remark that suggests something sexual or unpleasant without saying it directly, or these remarks in general (b) an allusive remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one

11. Jaded: someone who is jaded is no longer interested in or excited by something, usually because they have experienced too much of it

12. Lurid: (a) very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasant harsh or unnatural effect (b) (of a description, story, etc.) presented in a vividly shocking or sensational terms, and involves violence and sexual matters

13. Meritorious: very good and deserving praise

14. Petulant: behaving in a unreasonable impatient and angry way, like a child

15. Prerogative: a right that someone has, especially because of their importance social position

16. Provincial: someone who comes from a part of the country that is not near the capital, especially someone who is not interested in anything new or different - often used to show disapproval

17. Simulate: (a) to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real (b) to pretend to have a feeling

18. Transcend: to go beyond the usual limits of something; surpass

19. Umbrage: to be offended by something that someone has done or said, often without good reason

20. Unctuous: too friendly and praising people too much in a way that seems very insincere

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Officer Who Paid For My Smoothie!

Still ill, but that is not going to stop me from posting this last post of the day! My eyes are watering profusely as though I have been cutting fresh onions! I have had to go to the restroom to blow my nose and wash my hands for about the hundredth time now! I tell you Super-Duper Fun being sick....

As I take a break from my studies and sit here in a glum state, I just happened to remember something fabulous that happened to me this summer. One afternoon, as I walked with my friend into the Hancock cafeteria area for our lunch break, I had mentioned wanting to get a smoothie (since this place had both a grill and Cafe). This friend insisted that we go and get one; however, as we wait in line behind the officer purchasing his drink, I was complaining to my friend that I cannot possibly get one. That I only had enough money to buy myself some food. My friend continued to pester me and said that I should just get the smoothie for that day, but knowing me I have to EAT!

You are probably thinking to yourself, "why couldn't my friend help pay for the drink?" My friend, being the person that he is, would have undoubtedly paid for the drink, but he didn't have money on him and he brought his own lunch for the day. So, no, my friend is not a penny-pinching person.

As we were about to leave, this officer turns around and offers to pay for my drink. Of course, being me, I had to refuse his offer, but he was not having it. I remember him pointing to his watch and saying my time was going to expire. And I told him it is fine multiple times, and that I will buy food elsewhere. Realizing that nobody was going nowhere, I ended up picking my strawberry, banana smoothie. An extra bonus, my friend ended up also getting a free smoothie!

What made it all the more better was that I was having a terrible day to the point I did not even recognize the policeman standing in front of us. It was until he turned around and said what do you want that made me go OH SHOOT! I was complaining about money and me not being able to get a smoothie this whole time, and this kind officer overheard EVERYTHING! This officer truly made my day better.

It just happens to work out where you may be having a bad day, but someone magically will cross paths with you to brighten up your day!

He did not know how happy he made me, but I am sure must have felt great pride to be helping somebody out. His little generosity certainly illuminated my day!

To this day, I will never forget what this officer had done for me, and cannot stop thanking the dude! Thank you Officer Torey for the smoothie!

         Next time you see an officer be sure to thank them for all that they do!

Introduction To My Satire

For my satire project I will be addressing the influences of the mass media and the increase of its daily usage. It is a social condition that is greatly talked about, yet nobody is doing anything to put an end to this dilemma. As a matter of fact, I see our generation encouraging the use of media. It is as though the world has said one thing, but strays away from it - not resolving the problem or merely getting anywhere near to settling this complication. Consequently, I would love to do something that might change the minds of and/or inspire my fellow classmates or whoever comes across this blog.

I believe the most effective medium for my satire will be the use of Prezi, PowerPoint, or some type of visual as well as some writing incorporated sort of presentation. I believe in any case, unless someone is able to relate to the writing or find it shocking/humorous/vivid/horrendous/etc. that make the writing memorable to that person, pictures will stick in a persons mind better than words would. Better yet, a few words with pictures together would make my project stand out and unforgettable to people, and that is my aim!

The most effective tone for my satire would have to be seriously laid out. In other words, I believe that in order to get my point across, a more stern approach would be best. I am not trying to write to fifth graders because they would totally disagree with what I would have to say and be in total denial. They would not even think of the consequences and only the great they get from being able to use and have electronics; therefore, I will be writing to a more sophisticated audience. I suspect that it is the adults to initiate a change. They are the ones to be allowing their children to view T.V. for some hours and be on the phone daily. Adults are more sensible and responsible for taking actions in their best interests, and will see the bigger picture at hand. As a result, they shall be more understanding of the topic, and will be able to make a difference in their life and, for all one knows, in the lives that surround them.

What Does This Phrase Even Mean!


The brain gears start turning and I jokingly would say, "Well, wouldn't that be what math and science is all about!"

However, in all seriousness, I do recall hearing this somewhere, and maybe not those exact words per se. I just cannot recall... perhaps it was in math or chemistry class that I did hear this. Who knows!
What I believe this phrase is signifying is the act of WORKING SYNERGISTICALLY. To rather simplify, think of COLLABORATIVE WORK VERSUS WORKING INDIVIDUALLY. In most cases, it would be best to work with others than on your own. This way you are not on solo mission, and you have people to back you up or refute your ideas, but with reasoning. You have suggestions bouncing off one another, and together you are able to come to a consensus and create something bigger! More than what you could have thought on your own.

Just like the case of Socrates and the traditional Socratic discussions. Here you had a group of men sit down, ask a question, share ideas, and build/build/build until everyone understood and could agree upon an answer. And guess what? It was SUCCESSFUL!!! A successful method to proposing an issue or question, and learning throughout the whole session of debate! As is apparent since schools exists and why classes hold Socratic seminars! I love you Socrates, but DARN you!

Everybody has ideas and thoughts of their own, each having their personal strengths and weaknesses. And when these strengths integrate with one another, truly remarkable work is produced. Furthermore, the whole (what everyone contributes to) outnumbers and is considerably more compared to the parts (what one could do by themselves) that make up the whole are on their own.

I can personally relate to this, and I think everybody could in some shape or form. You always hear "There is no I in TEAM", and it is rightfully and perfectly true! We are constantly reminded of this for a reason. When playing volleyball, or any team sport for that matter, coaches always emphasize working together. How there is no team if someone believes to be better than everyone else, doing their own things. That we must work in tandem with each other in order to successfully perform and beat the opponents. Because if everybody was there own person on court, and did what they were only good at then there is no game to play. This clearly shows how each and every persons' assets can be incorporated to produce something more substantial and glorious.
I have to admit, I prefer working on my own...... No Lie there! But sometimes it is better to work with others. Surely, I can do better at trying to be more open to working with my peers than to keep my ideas inside and never share it.  It is possible that someone has something to contribute, or I can be the one helping somebody else. Are you this type of person to say you're not the collaborative kind? Well then, you shall join me in making a change on oneself for the better!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

What Is Happening At This Moment?

When you awake from your nap and find your mother checking your temperature! 101.5 degrees and striped of blankets - shivering and pleading to be at least under one thin cover! Proclaiming that I'll freeze to death if not allowed to blanket myself. Nope, never the case when you have a nurse in the house (my mom)! Miserable, miserable, and did I mention just MISERABLE! Who ever likes getting sick? Under no circumstances is it fun to fall ill, especially when you are trying to accomplish things! For the last three days or so, all you see and hear at school was tissues out on desks, sniffling, sneezing, the blowing of noses, coughing, runny eyes, and everything else that shows signs of a fever πŸ”₯ and cold ❄️. I knew it would hit me! At this point, there was no way of escaping or preventing the wave from attacking me as my immune system is down/weakened over the years. Pooooh! Going to have to make a change if I want to get better anytime soon.
I never got the FLU before (or at least as a teenager), and so when I did get it last year I felt like I was dyyyying. I would try and get up to do homework, but that was never going to happen! The couch, salty Campbell soup, television, trash bin, and about three rolls of toilet paper were my best friends for those weeks of being sick. I was on bed rest for 10 days to be exact, and truly took that opportunity to unwind and get some relaxation in. However, I knew what was coming! When I returned to school, all was great with teachers and students welcoming me back and relieved to see that I was better. Downside, soooooo much catching up to do!!! Let me rephrase that. It was homework and work GALORE when I returned because we were in the month of AP testing. People that I know of and friends of mine struggle to miss two/three days, let only ten! Thankfully, people are understanding, or you shall hope they are, because that is how I was able survive and keep going! WE ARE ALL HUMANS, so put yourself in someone's shoes before you say, make or do something to them. How did this flu story come about and why am I even talking about.............. I am not too sure myself - it is sick mode taking over. :p
Anywho, another thing I can say about the great that comes from being sick is that you get your own personal space!!! Hallelujah! It is much desired in this tiny household, filled with screaming children. Everyone tries to avoid you as much as possible so they do not catch the virus, and it just happens to work out nicely! Like now!!!! My sister has temporarily moved out to sleep in another room, so I finally get the whole bed to myself! Sooooo happy!!! :D It guarantees no arm swings to the face, kicks to the gut, and just a great nights rest I will be able to get.
If you have read to this part now, I salute you! Who would be reading a story about sickness...... well apparently you and I thank you for that!

The thing to remember is always know that PEOPLE ARE UNDERSTANDING and you will get through it because YOU ARE NOT ALONE MY FRIEND!

#SicknessHasPrevailed #EverythingGetsBetter #MouthBreather
#LaggingToTakeThis foulTastingTheraFlu #GreatTimeToReadMyLitAnalysisBook #IGetTheBedToMyself

Feel free to share a story of the time you were sick or a hashtag in the comment section below!

Vocabulary I: Sentences 🍁Fall🍁

1. The beginning of the novel adumbrates the outcome of the orphaned children.

2. The apotheosis of the film was when the mother had to make a decision if it would be best to take her son off life support or keep him on the ventilator for an additional cost of  $5,000.

3. The dishes served had a rather ascetic approach to the purity of the ingredients.

4. Although it was worth very little, the family bauble was passed down from generation to generation.

5. Her cousin, Mark, tried his best to beguile her to stick around the children's party.

6. After a thorough investigation, the judge exculpated the man.

7. The Smith's painted the walls to complement the living room furniture.

8. It was his contumacious views and attitudes that made him the most disliked attorney in the city.

9. Everyone remembers the curmudgeon person who never allowed dogs on his property.

10. Chase learned the importance of diction when it comes to literature, especially as a means to convey the tone or mood of the atmosphere.

11. I dislike going to his class every evening because it tends to get too didactic.

12. While Lucy professed to be a trustworthy individual, she was really a disingenuous woman who would do anything to get what she wanted.

13. After further investigation, the judge exculpated the man from his charges.

14. During last year's Christmas party, Jeremy made a huge faux pas. As a result, he was not invited to this year's event.

15.  Armando was fulminating about the dangers of drinking and driving.

16. Katherine knew that she wanted her bridesmaids to be dressed in coral fustian dresses.

17. Zoey was taken aback by his hauteur remarks, and made no actions to show it.

18. Vanessa's shyness inhibited her from making friends.

19. Sandy had to sit and listen to her friend's jeremiad for that entire evening.

20. Tracey was in a bad mood after hearing that one of her best friends was dating her boyfriend, and this reflected Tracey's poor attitude and behavior during dinner time.

21. Because Larry was an opportunist, he often pretended to be a homeless man on the side of the street. Shame on you Larry!

22. The five-year child was not stupid enough to fall for the simple magic trick.

23. The college students' ability to combine syllogism with sentiment is phenomenal.

24. The syntax in Avery's sentences are incorrect because of the misplacement of the nouns and verbs.

25. In most literary works, there could be more than one theme, especially in long novels and plays.

26. In order to get his point across, the author's tone was immensely stern and serious.

27. Letting the extremely ill chef cook in the kitchen is not only stupid, but it is unconscionable.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Vocabulary I: Definitions 🍁Fall🍁

1. Adumbrate: (a) to suggest or describe something in an incomplete way. (b) to describe briefly or give the main points or summary of.

2. Apotheosis: (a) the best and most perfect example of something. (b) the best or highest point in someone's life or career

3. Ascetic: living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons.

4. Bauble: (a) a cheap piece of jewelry. (b) (British English) a brightly colored decoration that looks like a ball and used to decorate a Christmas tree.

5. Beguile: (a) to interest and attract someone, (b) to persuade or trick someone into doing something (c) (Literature) to do something that makes the time pass in an enjoyable way.

6. Burgeon: to grow or develop quickly

7. Complement: something that perfects, completes, or adds to.

8. Contumacious: (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.

9. Curmudgeon: someone who is often annoyed or angry, especially an old person.

10. *Diction: the choice and use of words and phrases to express meaning, especially literature. (a) the way in which someone pronounces words.

11. Didactic: (a) speech or writing that is intended to teach people a moral lesson. (b) someone who is didactic is too eager to teach people things or gives instructions.

12. Disingenuous: not sincere and slightly dishonest.

13. Exculpate: to prove that someone is not guilty of something.

14. Faux Pas: an embarrassing mistake in a social situation.

15. Fulminate: to criticize someone or something angrily.

16. Fustian: (a) a type of rough heavy cotton cloth, worn especially in the past. (b) (Literary) words that sound important but have very little meaning.

17. Hauteur: a proud, very unfriendly manner.

18. Inhibit: (a) to prevent something from growing or developing well. (b) to make someone feel embarrassed or nervous so that they cannot do or say what they want to.

19. Jeremiad: a long speech or piece of writing that complains about a situation, or says that bad things will happen.

20. Mood: the way you feel at a particular time.

21. Opportunist: (a) someone who uses every opportunity to gain power, money, or unfair advantages - used to show disapproval. (b) someone who commits a crime because they have a chance to, and not because they planned to.

22. *Stupid(ity): the willful ignorance or contesting any new or dissent information (a) behavior or actions that show a lack of good sense or good judgment.

23. *Syllogism: the most basic/simplest form of argumentation and logic. An assertion that depends on a major and minor premise (a) a statement with three parts, the first two of which prove that the third part is true.

24. Syntax: the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences of  language.

25. *Theme: the central message. (a) the main subject or idea in a piece of writing, speech, film, etc.

26. *Tone: the author's attitude towards the audience, topic, or sometimes the characters. (a) the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean.

27. Unconscionable: much more than is reasonable or acceptable.

*Words discussed in class & definitions derived from Dr. Preston's interpretations and meaning of the word.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I Can Read!

Challenge accepted! I thoroughly enjoyed such undertaking! I wish all my homework assignments would be so simple and fun to do. I mean there is nothing to dislike about reading a Dr. Seuss book with tongue twisters for about five minutes. It has been "decades" since I read a Dr. Seuss book and tested my reading speed, and what a splendid way to bring back the two for this one assignment (which was to read Fox In Socks by Dr. Seuss, as fast as you could, trying to make the fewest mistakes, whilst attempting to beat Dr. Preston's time and errors he had set)! During the take, yes, Siri unexpectedly decided to pop up, but that did not bother me and it would not stop me from continuing to finish the book.....ALWAYS REMEMBER TO JUST KEEP SWIMMING. There was one take that I clearly recall, and that was when my father told me "You are having fun there, aren't you?" I could only stop to start chuckling. There is something about actually having the book and illustrations in front of you, and being able to flip through the pages that make the reading experience more enjoyable (at least that is for me).  Therefore, having to read off a screen I felt was easier because you can view the words/sentences all at once. Nevertheless, what were my stats? I read Fox In Socks in 4 minutes, 13 seconds with 10 mistakes I believe. So although I beat Dr. Preston's time, I did make quite a few mistakes. But overall, much pleasure came out of this and success is mine!

"The Conscience of a Hacker" by The Mentor

Already this essay was eye catching just from this one line: "The following was written shortly after my arrest...!" The title was equally intriguing having the word Hacker in it. Typically, when you think Hacker, you think of the deep web and those ingenious masterminds behind it all. What makes this essay stand out apart from the norm is the language used and the structure of the work. You do not see blocks of writing, and it does not seem to be much to read as everything is spaced out. As a result, I believe that readers would much rather prefer to read something like this compared to the generic structured essays. Anyways, going back and talking about the content. So what really stood out was how The Mentor opens up his paper with stating headlines that a Hacker would make, and I liked how he welcomed us into his world.The Mentor explains his foundations starting from school to the discovery of the computer, and how there was a new door that opened to the world after this realization. COOL I think! I find it amusing and astonishing what Hacker's are capable of doing. Although, I would never want to be hacked myself nor do several others in this world. Therefore, I can understand why it would be a good idea to capture the Hacker's. In the eyes of The Mentor and his fellow hackers, they discern that it is unjust that they be called criminals for what they love to do: explore and seek knowledge. And I do not disagree with that; however, if hacking is done with the wrong intentions like bank tampering then I would have to refute and say that Hacker's should not be here. What am I kidding! Hackers and hacking is generally never good. So what if we can turn that around? Make hacking a benefit to our planet and peoples. The ending tops this essay off quite lovely. To specify, throughout this entire piece, The Mentor mentions how underachievers are alike, how video gamers are alike, how teachers are alike in believing student's who do not show work are cheaters and copied from another's work, and so forth. Basically, emphasizing how people are ALIKE. Moreover, as this hacker is caught, The Mentor makes it lucid that they're plenty more of them out there - "after all, we're all alike."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I Finally Found The Book!

To be quite frank, besides having a class reading or two, it has been a good two years since I have had to find a book and read it. And even so, that book I read was chosen from a list and had to be incorporated into this paper bag, book report type thingy - not my cup of tea.

I remember being an avid reader back in my elementary and middle school days, reaching the millions (as in words when teachers had tracked the words you read through reading counts tests. Remember those?) I would knock out three to four books a week, but that number slowly dwindled to me hardly ever reaching or thinking about getting a book. Presently, it is all mainly textbooks and online sources that I read from.

Like who has the time to even read these days! Sometimes, I can barely even sit down to take a breather. Why!!! Why are we bringing back the books?

What I am trying to lead up to is that because I am having to read books again, it does bring back memories!

In fact, here was my experience from yesterday! Right when school was out, I made a beeline for the public library. I was eager to see what I would get my hands onto. Who knows when the last time I was in there searching for a book to read.... last time was probably in eighth grade! Typically, I would have a book in mind; however, for this moment I just knew that I wanted to go to the library and see what book I could find. Maybe that was a mistake! You would think it's the library and that you ought to find something......

I went through the books and reminisce having gone down the rows, as a child, thinking of what book to read next. There was just so many selections that could be made. Now, I found myself lost. I was upstairs going row to row, and absolutely NOTHING! Nothing caught my attention. So downstairs I went! Row to row I go again, running my fingers across the spine of the books - hoping that my hand would stop at that one particular book... NOPE, still nothing! So to the top floor I went again. I was either going to find it or go home empty handed. I wasn't going to give up hope, and after an hour or so (no lie) I found the one:
The Year That Follows by Scott Lasser

Geez, an hour to find this book. I hope it was worth all that searching. I am optimistic that this shall be a great beginning to my yearlong literature analysis' requirements that have yet to come my way!

Furthermore, going back to the question why? Why bring back the books? As much as I dread having to add another reading to my nightly homework (which is largely having to read textbooks), this will be extremely beneficial in other aspects of my life and education. Some of these benefits include, but is not limited to, 1)being capable of reading a wonderful piece of work and gaining some type of knowledge from it; 2)sharpening and refining my reading abilities; 3)enhancing reading comprehension and vocabulary skills; and most importantly, for this class and a helpful lifelong necessity, is 4)helping me become a better writer because everyone CAN ALWAYS IMPROVE!

"A Modest Proposal"

To have heard, prior to having to read this essay -"A Modest Proposal"- by Jonathan Swift on my own, that Swift's intentions to improve poverty and overpopulation in Ireland was by a means of nourishing babies and eating them created a sickening feeling within me. Who dare proposes an idea of preparing and eating infants in order to help put a stop to the overwhelming amount of poverty and ever increasing population? That is Jonathan Swift for you! Swift has it all planned out: talking about the advantages, serving sizes, ways of preparation/cookery, and all the variations that could be done with the skin of the babies. Swift even mentions what the ideal age of a baby is when well nursed and healthy to which that child will be ready to be eaten.  This age? Age one, where they are a most "delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food." Ewwww.... so gross to even think about! However, if we can get past this OMG, or shock, moment will we [as readers] truly understand the message trying to be conveyed. This is why this essay meets the criteria of satire. It has something shocking about it, but if we can get past that moment to further investigate the intent and purpose for the writing, will that indicate and give validation to the author that he/she was successful in their intentions. Look at it this way, if people just read this and believed that we are to grotesquely eat babies and they are not able to see beyond that fact, then Swift's goal would go nowhere, but actually revert the opposite direction - most likely making things worse. Jonathan Swift is sincere about the topic, and was able to write about this issue in a manner of all seriousness to the point it almost feels as if this was a government policy document. He knows that when it comes down to it, people will take him seriously and will be prepared to look at the bigger picture.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

TIME. What Is It?

If you have not done so already, go and check out the My Big Question post before viewing these two videos. These videos pertain to my big question: what would the world be like if we did not account for time?

What will you do with the time you have left?

Are you going to let time defeat and potentially kill you?

My Big Question

What happens when the world does not account for time?*
Objective: to understand the value of TIME in life 

How would life be like? How would people spend life without having deadlines, or having to attend work or school at certain hours? Can you see the disorganization there?

We always want more time, but what exactly does that mean? Why don't we just live life to the fullest as we have it now? You always hear "time is never on your side"/"life is too short"/"time passes by fast." Why is this so? 

Think about it, people unquestionably would love to live in a world where we are not on a time limit. Where we can live freely with no restrictions. In fact, some people have already decided to live a "no time world" by escaping to the mountains or out in the wilderness/nature. They rely solely on the moon and the sun like ancient times, and they can do whatever they please. Doesn't that sound like a life worth living? 

How would the world be different if people did not think about time? Would everyone live on to do whatever they wanted, and just live until due age? 

*This is the main question. The others are guiding questions and what if statements to try and help reach a reasonable conclusion. 

What are your thoughts about a world without time? Leave a comment below!!! πŸ‘‡

You Can Draw!

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
                                                                                                                 - Paul Coelho

By a certain age it is proven that people begin to stop taking risks and asking questions. Whether that be because the person is shy or is fearful of what others think of them, this should never be the case. Why do we begin to keep hold of our thoughts, and never wanting to say what's on our minds? Why have we become so afraid. Should we just not care what others think of us and freely express our thoughts and ideas without being intimidated? Easier said than done, right? It was Dr. Preston's "What's Your Big Question" post that inspired me to share this video. That despite our beliefs, we can perform and achieve anything if we just GIVE IT A TRY!

As Shaw has his audience follow along, you, too, shall break out a pen and paper and try drawing some of these for yourself! I did! Even my mom and two siblings joined me. You will be surprised to find how easy drawing could be and how GOOD OF A DRAWER YOU ACTUALLY ARE!

Following are some of our drawings of Spike and Pam. How did your drawing(s) come out? Take a picture and put it in the comment section below!

"The Right To Your Opinion"

Am I entitled to my opinion?  Are you entitled to your opinion? What does it mean, entitlement? As Dr. Preston states, entitlement is having one's own right be "that more important than any right someone else might have against it." Jaime Whyte goes on to say that it would be useful to know your rights and that we can all do better at it; however, knowing your rights will cause you to discover that you do not really have the rights you think you have.  How ones right to an opinion evokes a response in someone else. To clarify, not everyone will agree with each other on a subject, and someone ought to declare that they are entitled to their opinion. This only creates problems because by pointing out that one is entitled to their views, it only changes the subject from the original topic to a discussion about someones rights. It adds no new information to the matter at hand and gets nobody closer to answering the question that began the dispute in the first place. Nature works where people only want to hear what they want to to be true. So when faced with counterarguments and differing views, people never pause to wonder if they might be wrong after all. How are we suppose to know if we are right if we do not try and listen to others? What is the point of listening to others opinions if we do not try and understand? People have an obligation to listen to others, but just because you listen that does not mean you have to agree. Everyone has the right to share their thoughts, but you must always know it will contradict the beliefs of others. Someone's opinion may be wrong, but we must try and understand in order to know where that person is coming from. Moreover, the right to your opinion does not require me to agree or listen to you, but it is my obligation to stay open-minded and consider what you have to say.

Hello Human Kindness!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."                                                                                                                           -Mahatma Gandhi

I love to witness good happen, and when good happens to me I cannot help but feel fortunate and delighted. It is my experience and observations that make me want to give back and contribute to the world. Even if that contribution is a "Hi, how are you today?" Or even a smile.... it ALL MATTERS. One simple thing can truly change someone's day. Never underestimate the power of the little deeds you hold authority to.

It is a wonderful day to pass a smile!

 How amazing is it that one can go from watching an act of kindness, to later find themselves to be the one giving and serving.  It is a domino effect, let's keep it going!!

My Notion On "The Laughing Heart"

It was great to revisit this poem after having first seen it three years ago. I recall it was a few words, put onto a piece of paper, and was presented before me to analyze. And now, I look at this short and simple poem with a different mentality. It made me stop and reconsider the value of life. For this moment, I shall compare us to mice running in a maze. How, in life, we are put into a situation (the maze) - running (going throughout what seems to be endless lines and walls) and following the clues offered (the smell of cheese or the sound of a ring) until we reach an end. However, during that run you almost attain what you believe to have been the finish line, but you simply cannot figure it out - getting fatigued, frustrated, and wanting to give up hope all together.  In spite of that, we must always remember, there is a way out if we just search for the light. Even if that light is dim and faint, it is still out there and leaves us to never stop trying to look for it, especially when it is most needed. In addition, life is about recognizing our chances and taking advantage of them - never, though, to take life for granted. What makes this poem even better you ask me? I was called marvelous! Can you remember the last time, if any, you were called marvelous? Personally, I probably have never heard someone say that to me. Bukoski has no clue who I am, who you are, or who will be the next person reading his poem, but he does something incredible. He knows that if nothing else is taken from his poem, this one line should hit home for most: "You are MARVELOUS!" He makes us feel important, special, and that we are of value. He causes one to remember that we are divine, and I thank him for that - Thank You Bukoski for the lovely message!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

~In The Mind Of Louis CK~

In this interview and episode with Conan, Louis CK clearly states (and is in fact what the title of this segment is denominated) that we live in this remarkable world, yet people do not see it as so.  CK specifically declares that "everything is amazing right now and nobody's happy."  CK is effective in making his point comprehensible because he talks about things people can patently relate to whilst making it humorous.  For instance, take the esteemed phone and picture the refinement it has gone through these past one hundred years or so. CK speaks about using rotary phones in his time, and how lucky we are now to have efficient, compact, and mobile devices. However, even with such a significant transformation, and what I believe CK is trying to portray, is that people have become these individuals who are not thought worthy and grateful for the things they have in life.  Another instance that CK discusses, and what I can relate to most, is the faster wify that planes have to offer. How people only enjoy and expect it to always be quick, but when that is not given they become upset and angry because something they were told to happen or be provided isn't delivered.  When really, they could be seated in the plane thinking about their childhood dreams of flying to have become a reality... me! In these cases, we see that someone's discomfort and complains become this astounding platform to promote awareness to such a universal issue.  It becomes an appealing topic to all as there is some relationship people have with context, and it is this relationship that make people second guess their actions and look at the bigger picture at hand. All in all, it is evident that the changes in the world from the past to current day are phenomenal; however, despite that, people are ungrateful and seem to never be pleased.  A change has to happen, and the use of satire here in this video, hopefully, will get us one person closer to that change.

Relating to the information mentioned in this post, one of theses pictures/quotes ought to inspire you:  =)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Oh, What Thee Is This So Called SATIRE?

"Satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues."   
                                                                                                                         - Oxford Dictionary

Otherwise stated, satire is when a person is in position to bring awareness to an issue - often by making it facetious/humorous. The point to remember is that the intent of satire is by no means to humiliate and belittle someone, but to improve social divisions.

Here are three examples of satire:

Example #1
Peace, harmony, brotherhood, equality, etc is the goal. In other words, the desire and need to be united as one where all people share a common purpose.  Here, well, people are definitely united, but for the wrong reasons and unfortunate situation.

Example #2
People are on some type of electronic, namely the phone, 24/7 it seems.  They are engulfed in their own world - not realizing the life and meaning around them.  Essentially, they become blind to those around them.  In this image, the people are literally blind having to use walking sticks, and regardless of not being able to see, the people are still "capable" of viewing their phones. This shows what everyday living has come to be.

Example #3:
It is ironic because in this day and age several people say they'd die if their phones weren't with them at all times, especially when at a concert and wanting to record all the action.  However, when that is no longer accessible, in this case the man left his phone at home, you have now become someone who contrasts societal norms.  In this incidence, the man is said to be "forced to watch with his own eyes," when really, that is what the purpose of a concert should be - to watch and witness a performance that is happening before your eyes and not through the lenses and screens of your phone (societal trend/norm).

"The Laughing Heart" Recital

To be honest, I was tremendously hesitant in doing and submitting this video.  I am extremely self conscious, and this is a huge leap for me! It was not my intention to dress as so, be in such setting, have the hair style that I did, etc. In fact, I just got out of volleyball practice, was icing my back, and was waiting in the parking lot of FoodsCo! It was now or never. I knew that when I get home, I would not be able to complete this recital so why not? Why not take this opportunity, bust out the phone, and start recording? And so here it is... Admittedly, this was such an interesting experience: I probably had several glances and people thinking "what is she doing" or "why is she suddenly acting goofy and singing" (my way of messing up and trying to come back getting ready for the next take); ice pack was falling down; and because I had no place holder for the phone and used the soft drink holder (which explains for the awkward camera angle), my phone would slip and fall in the midst of my recital and to the beginning I went again! I've come to realize that it shouldn't matter what others see or think of me. Heck, I probably looked like a weirdo to most people who saw me. In the end, what matters most to me is that I was able to conquer a fear.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Every human being has a story to tell. Welcome to mine! :)

Let's start with can you believe it? Can you believe that this will have become the first ever blog created by me, and you as a reader might be the first one to be viewing this! How exciting!!! Yes, this blogging experience is indeed for my English Class, but let me tell you there is more to it. Here you will see much more than writing and literature. This is the place of creativity, of randomness, of laughter, of smiles, and so much more… you will just have to wait and see as the days pass by.

I apologize. Where are my manners? You are probably wondering who I am. I surely do not want to give everything away, but here are some of the basics. I am an adventurer for starters. People look at me as though I am all studies, but what they do not know is I like being outdoors; playing sports; riding roller-coasters; and my all-time favorite, to do extreme sports. Photography is a hobby of mine and I aspire to travel all around the world when I am older. And when I do go from place to place, you bet I'll be capturing every moment! I am a volleyball player and I do have some Tae Kwon Doe background - so I advise that you do not try messing with me. I am easy to please and it is the little things in life that I tend to look forward to.

I cannot wait to see what new heights I will be reaching. I am ready. Are you? Know the journey is fast, and I hope you will be able to keep up because it is a never-ending expedition and, trust me, it won't stop for nothing. Again, it is my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all! Thank you for stopping by to say Hi, and know you are much part of this journey as I am so feel free to leave a comment below. I wish to see you back soon!

Did I mention I am a lover of quotes? Well now you know, and I shall leave you with this: "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford