Sunday, October 16, 2016

Will This Ever Happen?

High schoolers and college students are notorious for not getting adequate amounts of sleep. Why is this so? I think some states have it figured out. START SCHOOL LATER/PUSH BACK SCHOOL START TIMES. Will there be a correlation on how students perform in school and school starting later? Well check out this article here. This article is an interesting one because as I was surfing the web this weekend I stumbled upon this article as its title caught my attention. SLEEP. SLEEP. Like what is it? Everyone is all too familiar with the word in some way or another. It surely is not in my world or at least not enough of it. Some days and weeks are better than others depending on the amount of homework and tests coming up. So when I cam across this article of course I had to read to see what it was all about. And the funniest thing is that I have always wondered why school starts SO EARLY. I remember playing volleyball Freshman and Sophomore year and when we had away games I would look at the other schools bell schedule and they always started a few minutes after us. Like Why? I would love to start school later. Freshman year was the dream as I didn't have a first period class and started school at 8:20. I was always full of energy and was never sleepy in class, but things have changed since then. After Freshman year I have been taking the school bus to school. And because the school buses for some reason cannot offer a second buss at 7:50/8 I have to catch the 6:50 one which means having to be up by 6:00. I just wish for one more hour! Consequently, it is safe to say that it is especially a struggle to those students who have to wake up early because they have some distances to travel in order to get to school. So why can't schools start later? If you look around work for most people doesn't start until later in the day. So why can't that apply to students going to school? I can only wish this will ever happen. Until then, I will always be wondering if whether or not our schools will push back their start times. And if they do will more kids be rested and ready to learn?

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