Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mapping My Mind (Emerson: Self-Reliance)

Before I go describing what I did to contribute to the mind map and why, I would like to say my first impressions are not so grand to put it at best. I love the collaborative aspect and thought, but this is all too messy and unorganized. I do no see structure and any stranger walking in on this will just see ideas going left and right - not knowing what any of this means. I would go in to try and fix this, but that will take some hours having to figure out what things should go under and what people are trying to say. Also, I do not want to play around with other people's works as I am fearful of deleting or doing something to upset a person which I might have already done by accident. I do not know maybe I am mistaken and this is the whole point. To just put out ideas and opinions for everyone to view. I just like organization and knowing what to look for, but this mind mapping idea is quite frustrating at the moment. And before I forget to mention, in class there was a brief discussion on what we should do to talk to each other as we make changes on this mind map like a group chat type of thing. The only idea that I heard was to use the course blog which to me does not sound like the best option. In fact, I think that will create more of a hassle and something that is inconvenient. If we used a medium such as Coggle they already have a conversation section where you could chat with others as you edit. At this point I am not entirely sure what to do to make anything better, but I just know that I am trying my hardest to work with what I got. With this all being said, my first few comments I added to the mind map was about the epigraph and how it portrayed a powerful message even though it might be cliche. Although I have not read majority of this piece I can anticipate that this essay of Emerson will be about being true to oneself and just being yourself in general. I mean the purpose of an epigraph is something to open a chapter or writing and gives suggestion to a theme, and Emerson does an excellent job at selecting his quotation here. Other things I added to the map would be things that caught my attention such as something that many can relate to and goes hand in hand with My American Voice post which was waiting to say something, but somebody who will say something comes along to say what you intended to say, but you were just too late. Down below is the picture of what has been done so far. And I have to admit looks cool, but again not my idea of how collaborating should be.
Update 10/25: There is hope as a plan of organization was devised in class today. Thank the Lordy. Better now than later before there would be too much information to organize. :)

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