Friday, October 7, 2016

Today I'm A Good Human: Goodie Two-Shoes Me πŸ˜‡

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

This is what probably the fifth post about human kindness and doing good deeds I have done now? I do not mind writing about events or stories to spread a positive message. I enjoy it actually, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. This post is not a random thing that happened and made me want to go ooohhh I have something to share. In this case, my teacher has requested us to post something about being a good human being today, whatever that may mean to us, as our homework. Hence, the title "Today I'm A Good Human".

As you may already know, or might not know, I like to surround myself with positivity. Things to cheer me up and liven up my spirits is all that I ever need to enjoy life. I have gone through so much. Do I wish those things never happened and I would not have to face such occurrences? You bet! But in reality there is never anything you can do to prepare yourself for every situation there is in life, and really the only thing you can do is to keep going. In fact, I am a true believer in the saying "Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future." -Tinku Razoria It is the hard times in your life to shape you and who you have become today! Your personality. Your attitude. And your will. All influenced by the things that happen to us whether that be from good or bad incidents.

There is something about me who wants to keep giving. It is why I like to volunteer whenever I can. One of the things I like to do on my free time is to volunteer. You place me somewhere and tell me what I can do I will do just that and more. I love the feeling of doing good, and seeing those I am able to help makes the experience that much better. I love to see others happy and that is all I genuinely could ask for: is to seek and spread happiness. In a nutshell, that is my interpretation of what a good person is. To help others in any way, shape, or form and with integrity. I just had to add that little piece on there because if people in this world were to treat and help others for the sheer fact of trying to give aid to someone who is in need of assistance then we would all be doing something to help another human being out.

Toooo the story of the day I suppose. And I guess you can say I probably do a good deed everyday. I would not have thought of what I am about to tell you guys as a good act because of how small it was, but looking back to this morning I could see I helped someone and eased their worries. So I was up at 3:30 am about to take a shower when my sister passes by the restroom and knocks. And yes I was up that late/early (whichever the two) because I am notorious for not sleeping. My little sister fell asleep with her school clothes on and had woken up to change as to why she passes the bathroom to go to the room. And an FYI, my younger sister (the one that sleeps with me) has been sleeping on the couch for almost a month now because after that incident of me getting sick earlier this year she went to sleep with another sibling, but decided she liked the couch better. And this is great for me because I am free from the swings to the face and gut kicks every night/morning (whenever I go to sleep). Do not fret, the couch is quite comfortable and I have too once found the couch to be my bed for two months or so. We do have a bunk bed ordered and coming so that my sister can come back to the room, and in this way I do not have to worry about getting kicked and punched by her anymore.

Back to the story. So she knocks and I went to the room to see what she wanted, and she tells me she saw a potato bug, AKA "the old bald man" or Jerusalem cricket. I was like no biggy she's on the couch and it won't climb up to get her. So I go back to restroom and brush my teeth and the next thing I know my sister is back at the door saying she can hear the potato bug crawling along the wall. I assured to her that everything was going to be fine and that the bug couldn't possibly get her. However, she refused to go back to bed and told me she was going to sleep in the bed with me. And there was no way I was going to let that happen. I know sounds terrible of me not letting my sister sleep with me, but she tosses and turns (and kicks and swings her arms and talks) in her sleep so much to the point anyone sleeping with her would not be able to sleep and or wake up to find a bruise on them/areas that hurts. I was just fortunate to get to share a room with my younger sister >.< So I finished brushing my teeth and went out to living room, and sure enough you could hear the thing crawling along the wall. I could not blame my sister for being scared now because I too would have been eyes wide opened thinking about where the bug would go.

The floor boards to the living room still have yet to be put up so the bug had snuck into the crevice and was just walking back and forth along the wall. There was no way in heck I was about to get down and try to be an arms length away from this creature, and so I got a fly swatter and a jar and was hoping to chase the potato bug out of the crevice and prayed the thing would crawl onto the swatter and I could dump it into the jar. Nope. The little thing put up a good fight I tell you. I did not know the bug had rose like thorn feet and strong mouth pincers. The potato bug obviously thought it was being harmed. Like really dude, I am trying to help you! Why can't creatures and animals just sense that? It would make life much easier for those trying to get rid of bugs like this.

Ten minutes have elapsed and I was getting tired now. At times, I almost got the bug into the jar. It would grasp the fly swatter and as I would lift to go to the jar it would fall. Finally, after a total of twenty minutes, I got the sucker. I was more than terrified to screw the lid on so I convinced my sister to do it. She would have also been afraid, but I told her the bug would not be able to climb the sides of the jar. Without hesitation she quickly did it thankfully. It is true the potato bug would not have been able to climb the plastic sides, but I do feel a little bad having my sister screw the lid on. But like I said I couldn't even be an arms length away from the thing even if it was in a jar. This type of insect scares the creepers out of me. I mean look at how terrifying and gruesome the bug looks... In the end, I was able to go do the things I needed to get done and my sister was able to go back to sleep with nothing to worry about.

#WhatAGreatSisterIAm  #SleepCycleOutOfWhack  #ThePotatoBug

So here's a picture I took, and later today my siblings and I plan to walk to the fields nearby and let this bug go..... FREE AND FAR AWAY FROM OUR HOUSE!

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