Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My American Voice

What does it mean to have a voice? And no I am not talking about that singing voice, but rather those moments we dare to utter a word or not say anything at all. I am not the person to be blunt with you, but if I was trying to help then you can expect me to get straight and personal and down to the point. I never intend to hurt anybody with the words I speak so I deliberately, and I want to say most times, will think before I speak. I think this is crucial in many cases because I know people who will just speak their minds which is awesome. However, not being able to think before you say something is a mistake I found. There is no doubt something you said can greatly hurt someone without you even knowing it. It may even be you say it and then  moments later you regret what you had just said and wish you could take it all back. Consequently, you are all too late and will burden yourself with repeating I should've said something different or I shouldn't have said anything at all. And so to prevent this slip from happening I truly believe one must think before they speak.

Omg, and I know I have these moments all the time but have you guys ever had an interview or just had a talk with somebody and you leave the situation and in your mind you think to yourself that you should've said that or shouldn't have said that? Like you intend to say something, but it all disappears in the moment and then when you leave that moment it all magically comes back. Like why? Why does it have to be like that. And so if you're like me you dwell on thinking what would have changed if you said this or that instead or why did you even say the words you did to begin with. Ultimately, you just accept it and move on or you will go back and be able to say the words you missed last time.

As for myself, I find that I don't use my voice quite as often as I am told to. Ever since elementary school I have had teachers constantly telling me that I should have spoken up because I had so much to contribute to the class. And I know why I never said anything which I will get to in a bit. I was always put in the back of the classroom because I wasn't causing trouble and my work ethic was great so I found that every year I sat in the way back. I did not mind this because I am used to being in the back of almost everything such as having to line up. I was almost always last due to last name. And so because I sat in the back I never had the courage and nerve to shout out answers or even raise my hand to say an answer. I guess you can say I was that shy kid in the back who dared not to speak up. I do remember though that if the class was dead silent and I knew I had the answer then I would raise my hand to speak. And this brings me to say I never speak up on most classroom occasions because the fear of being wrong. I never and still will never know how those around me will think of me. Or what my teacher will now look at me as. Being wrong is a fear of mind and I know it shouldn't be because that is what makes learning happen. I always admire those students who don't care what others make of them and who ask questions regularly. Sure, they could be annoying at times, but hey they are making the best out what is given to them and take those chances to ask away. I think several people have the fear of being wrong and as a result they tend to not speak up.... me (shyly raising my hand emoji). I am optimistic and hopeful that as each day unfolds I will be able to break out of my comfort zone and be able to speak up not having thought of what people think about me afterwards.

And another thing to point out. I think for a lot of shy folks or anyone who sees that they can express themselves through writing better than speaking goes for many. I personally like to write my thoughts more than I can speak them and it is through pencil and pen, or in this case online typing, that I am able to freely express my ideas and thoughts and just be sound to know that I won't be harshly criticized if that makes any sense? So there you have it! Another venture of mine    --> to find how to use my American Voice more! And as Steve Jobs puts it "Don't let the noise of others peoples opinions drown out your inner voice."

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