Monday, October 31, 2016

I'm Self-Reliant

Am I self-reliant? Well I finally finished reading Emerson's Self-Reliance hallelujah! No joke, but this is one of the harder readings I read in a long time. I normally don't have trouble analyzing documents/passages, but this Self-reliance was a tough one to grasp. With that being said, I have mixed feelings about what I just read. Sure, I wanna take his word for it and wake up witth this new mentality. But let's just face it that is most likely not going to happen. It is hard finding yourself in this world that expects you to be someone.  Emerson says we are all our own stars and that it is children and babies who are the true geniuses. And I totally get that because babies have yet to be swayed in their decision making and thought process. I feel as though Emerson is trying to say all is lost if everyone just keeps doing the same thing over and over again. As a result, someone has to start right now and persuade others to join them in an embarkment to being yourself and being true to who you really are deep down inside. Of course, Emerson having said this in a more sophisticated way! It is difficult because growing up somewhere down the line someone tells you to be yourself. Whether it be teacher or family or friends. However, look at them are they doing just that they told you to do? Probably not. So in a way I both agree to disagree with Emerson if that makes any sense what so ever. But if you asked me I would have to disagree more than agree just on the basis that not too much will change having read Emerson's urging message. Like I said I along with anyone else who has read this will not wake up as a new person who strives to only do what pleases them and what goes in their favor. It's called life guys.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Author In Progress

Well I think you can call this our first official writing assignment of the semester. For our wrap up test for Emerson we had to write three short answer responses and there was two extra options. I did not know you are recommended to do a pre-write for a short answer response. I mean I assume it's logical since you should at least do some type of pre-writing or thinking before you respond to a question or prompt. Overall, I did pretty well, but I know I have to work on something in particular because I continuously see myself faced with this situation in that I get carried away and I do not how to end what I was just writing. In other words, I need to be conscious of the time and be as concise as I could be and straight to the point. Because I surely do not have any fluff in my writing, but rather more details than necessary. Therefore, what I covered in three pages could've been done in two pages. I wouldn't be too worried about it this time around just because I was on a time crunch and I had to respond to five questions. So there was this type of mental pre-write, but I was just not organized in a way where everything flowed and was comprehensible. Now I know for next time straight to the point and trying to find a happy medium between details and thoughts with time into consideration. My journey awaits and I cnanot wait to better my writing as the year goes on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Have You Heard About "The Lie We Live"?

A must watch, inspirational video that definitely opened my eyes!

Update 11/04: Pheeeww, I tried watching this video again, but I saw the copyright claim and I got scared! I thought I had done something wrong and was going to be contacted any day now.... I surely do not want to take anybody's work and I do not know how copyrights work. Thankfully, I found out that the creator himself had his video taken down due to a copyright made. So rather then being able to watch the video directly on my blog, here is the link to that same video

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mapping My Mind (Emerson: Self-Reliance)

Before I go describing what I did to contribute to the mind map and why, I would like to say my first impressions are not so grand to put it at best. I love the collaborative aspect and thought, but this is all too messy and unorganized. I do no see structure and any stranger walking in on this will just see ideas going left and right - not knowing what any of this means. I would go in to try and fix this, but that will take some hours having to figure out what things should go under and what people are trying to say. Also, I do not want to play around with other people's works as I am fearful of deleting or doing something to upset a person which I might have already done by accident. I do not know maybe I am mistaken and this is the whole point. To just put out ideas and opinions for everyone to view. I just like organization and knowing what to look for, but this mind mapping idea is quite frustrating at the moment. And before I forget to mention, in class there was a brief discussion on what we should do to talk to each other as we make changes on this mind map like a group chat type of thing. The only idea that I heard was to use the course blog which to me does not sound like the best option. In fact, I think that will create more of a hassle and something that is inconvenient. If we used a medium such as Coggle they already have a conversation section where you could chat with others as you edit. At this point I am not entirely sure what to do to make anything better, but I just know that I am trying my hardest to work with what I got. With this all being said, my first few comments I added to the mind map was about the epigraph and how it portrayed a powerful message even though it might be cliche. Although I have not read majority of this piece I can anticipate that this essay of Emerson will be about being true to oneself and just being yourself in general. I mean the purpose of an epigraph is something to open a chapter or writing and gives suggestion to a theme, and Emerson does an excellent job at selecting his quotation here. Other things I added to the map would be things that caught my attention such as something that many can relate to and goes hand in hand with My American Voice post which was waiting to say something, but somebody who will say something comes along to say what you intended to say, but you were just too late. Down below is the picture of what has been done so far. And I have to admit looks cool, but again not my idea of how collaborating should be.
Update 10/25: There is hope as a plan of organization was devised in class today. Thank the Lordy. Better now than later before there would be too much information to organize. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Will This Ever Happen?

High schoolers and college students are notorious for not getting adequate amounts of sleep. Why is this so? I think some states have it figured out. START SCHOOL LATER/PUSH BACK SCHOOL START TIMES. Will there be a correlation on how students perform in school and school starting later? Well check out this article here. This article is an interesting one because as I was surfing the web this weekend I stumbled upon this article as its title caught my attention. SLEEP. SLEEP. Like what is it? Everyone is all too familiar with the word in some way or another. It surely is not in my world or at least not enough of it. Some days and weeks are better than others depending on the amount of homework and tests coming up. So when I cam across this article of course I had to read to see what it was all about. And the funniest thing is that I have always wondered why school starts SO EARLY. I remember playing volleyball Freshman and Sophomore year and when we had away games I would look at the other schools bell schedule and they always started a few minutes after us. Like Why? I would love to start school later. Freshman year was the dream as I didn't have a first period class and started school at 8:20. I was always full of energy and was never sleepy in class, but things have changed since then. After Freshman year I have been taking the school bus to school. And because the school buses for some reason cannot offer a second buss at 7:50/8 I have to catch the 6:50 one which means having to be up by 6:00. I just wish for one more hour! Consequently, it is safe to say that it is especially a struggle to those students who have to wake up early because they have some distances to travel in order to get to school. So why can't schools start later? If you look around work for most people doesn't start until later in the day. So why can't that apply to students going to school? I can only wish this will ever happen. Until then, I will always be wondering if whether or not our schools will push back their start times. And if they do will more kids be rested and ready to learn?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My American Voice

What does it mean to have a voice? And no I am not talking about that singing voice, but rather those moments we dare to utter a word or not say anything at all. I am not the person to be blunt with you, but if I was trying to help then you can expect me to get straight and personal and down to the point. I never intend to hurt anybody with the words I speak so I deliberately, and I want to say most times, will think before I speak. I think this is crucial in many cases because I know people who will just speak their minds which is awesome. However, not being able to think before you say something is a mistake I found. There is no doubt something you said can greatly hurt someone without you even knowing it. It may even be you say it and then  moments later you regret what you had just said and wish you could take it all back. Consequently, you are all too late and will burden yourself with repeating I should've said something different or I shouldn't have said anything at all. And so to prevent this slip from happening I truly believe one must think before they speak.

Omg, and I know I have these moments all the time but have you guys ever had an interview or just had a talk with somebody and you leave the situation and in your mind you think to yourself that you should've said that or shouldn't have said that? Like you intend to say something, but it all disappears in the moment and then when you leave that moment it all magically comes back. Like why? Why does it have to be like that. And so if you're like me you dwell on thinking what would have changed if you said this or that instead or why did you even say the words you did to begin with. Ultimately, you just accept it and move on or you will go back and be able to say the words you missed last time.

As for myself, I find that I don't use my voice quite as often as I am told to. Ever since elementary school I have had teachers constantly telling me that I should have spoken up because I had so much to contribute to the class. And I know why I never said anything which I will get to in a bit. I was always put in the back of the classroom because I wasn't causing trouble and my work ethic was great so I found that every year I sat in the way back. I did not mind this because I am used to being in the back of almost everything such as having to line up. I was almost always last due to last name. And so because I sat in the back I never had the courage and nerve to shout out answers or even raise my hand to say an answer. I guess you can say I was that shy kid in the back who dared not to speak up. I do remember though that if the class was dead silent and I knew I had the answer then I would raise my hand to speak. And this brings me to say I never speak up on most classroom occasions because the fear of being wrong. I never and still will never know how those around me will think of me. Or what my teacher will now look at me as. Being wrong is a fear of mind and I know it shouldn't be because that is what makes learning happen. I always admire those students who don't care what others make of them and who ask questions regularly. Sure, they could be annoying at times, but hey they are making the best out what is given to them and take those chances to ask away. I think several people have the fear of being wrong and as a result they tend to not speak up.... me (shyly raising my hand emoji). I am optimistic and hopeful that as each day unfolds I will be able to break out of my comfort zone and be able to speak up not having thought of what people think about me afterwards.

And another thing to point out. I think for a lot of shy folks or anyone who sees that they can express themselves through writing better than speaking goes for many. I personally like to write my thoughts more than I can speak them and it is through pencil and pen, or in this case online typing, that I am able to freely express my ideas and thoughts and just be sound to know that I won't be harshly criticized if that makes any sense? So there you have it! Another venture of mine    --> to find how to use my American Voice more! And as Steve Jobs puts it "Don't let the noise of others peoples opinions drown out your inner voice."

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vocabulary VI: Sentences 🍁Fall🍁

1. The album London Calling 2.0 was a revival of the old album from back in the 1950s.

2. Amelia was first introduced to blogs by her fellow colleagues, and ever since has been blogging daily.

3. I am not the only who just recently found out what a meme was as I found myself explaining what one is to a faculty member just the other day.

4. Every evening, Emily spends hours and hours surfing the Internet.

5. Several of these platforms are open source and free of charge.

6. Earlier this year we were to send our blog URL's to Dr. Preston so that he could add us to the member roster.

7. The video went viral just within a matter of a few hours.

8. The Jacob's computer caught some type of virus which unfortunately deleted all the data on their hard drive.

9. If you would like to find out more about Jamie's weight loss secrets you could visit her website at www.

10. It is fitting that wiki is in the name Wikipedia since people are able to write anything and edit anybody's work.

11. Mr. Higgens told his class beforehand that if they did not type www first they will not be able to find the webpage. 

Vocabulary VI: Definitions 🍁Fall🍁

1. 2.0: used to refer to a slightly improved or different form of something         *Web 2.0: advanced ways of using the Internet, for example ways of sharing information using blogs and wikis

2. Blog: (a) personal website or online journal (b) an online journal where people can post entries about their experiences

3. Meme: a piece of video, a joke, or something else that spreads quickly on the Internet

4. Internet: the network of computer systems that allows computer users around the world to exchange information

5. Open Source: refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge

6. URL(Uniform/Universe Resource Locator): the Internet address of a website or the address of a web page on the world wide web

7. Viral: relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, advertisement, etc, that is circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another

8. Virus: (a) a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer (b) a set of instructions secretly put into a computer, usually spread through emails, which can corrupt the system or destroy information stored on the computer

9. Website: a place on the Internet where you can find information about something, especially a particular organization

10. Wiki: (a) a website with information that users can change or add things to (b) a webpage, or a series of webpages, which can be written or changed by the people who use it

11. WWW: abbreviation for WORLD WIDE WEB, used in the address of some web pages.

*Not on vocabulary list, but wanted to add.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Team Quiz: Vocabulary V

We did not get the chance to take last weeks vocabulary quiz due to having to write an introduction paragraph. So today we took last week's vocabulary test. It was in a group effort having been split into two groups of about fifteen, and the last round (I guess you can say) was to use as many of the words describing the elections going on. We had about five minutes to do so and we came up with the following:

When it comes to this year's election, many people can anticipate that these two candidates will put up a good fight and accuse each other about doings from the past. Each candidate tries to remain stolid, but Hilary Clinton definitely out beats Donald Trump. It is aggravating because Trump and Clinton are constantly sticking their proboscis into everyone's business. Both do an excellent job at venomously attacking one another and each others ideas. With each debate, America is left suspended making viewers eager to see what the next debate has in store. Both candidates try to hypnotize the world into thinking they're fit to be the next president - trying to prove that they can transform the world into something greater, but they simply just illuminate each other's faults. BOOYAH! Another vocabulary quiz completed. Cannot wait to see what this week's quiz will be like!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Today I'm A Good Human: Goodie Two-Shoes Me πŸ˜‡

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

This is what probably the fifth post about human kindness and doing good deeds I have done now? I do not mind writing about events or stories to spread a positive message. I enjoy it actually, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. This post is not a random thing that happened and made me want to go ooohhh I have something to share. In this case, my teacher has requested us to post something about being a good human being today, whatever that may mean to us, as our homework. Hence, the title "Today I'm A Good Human".

As you may already know, or might not know, I like to surround myself with positivity. Things to cheer me up and liven up my spirits is all that I ever need to enjoy life. I have gone through so much. Do I wish those things never happened and I would not have to face such occurrences? You bet! But in reality there is never anything you can do to prepare yourself for every situation there is in life, and really the only thing you can do is to keep going. In fact, I am a true believer in the saying "Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future." -Tinku Razoria It is the hard times in your life to shape you and who you have become today! Your personality. Your attitude. And your will. All influenced by the things that happen to us whether that be from good or bad incidents.

There is something about me who wants to keep giving. It is why I like to volunteer whenever I can. One of the things I like to do on my free time is to volunteer. You place me somewhere and tell me what I can do I will do just that and more. I love the feeling of doing good, and seeing those I am able to help makes the experience that much better. I love to see others happy and that is all I genuinely could ask for: is to seek and spread happiness. In a nutshell, that is my interpretation of what a good person is. To help others in any way, shape, or form and with integrity. I just had to add that little piece on there because if people in this world were to treat and help others for the sheer fact of trying to give aid to someone who is in need of assistance then we would all be doing something to help another human being out.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mentor Letter Draft I

Dear Marc Levy,

I hope you are having a splendid day in France. My name is Katryna and I am writing to you from California. I am a junior in high school and this year for my English class we have all asked a question we are dying to know answers to. My big question, as we call it, is as follows: what would happen if the world went timeless and nobody accounted for time anymore? As I was exploring further into my question topic, I just so happened to come across your stunning words pertaining to the value of time "If you want to know the value of one year, just ask a student who failed a course. If you want to know the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. If you want to know the value of one hour, ask the lovers waiting to meet. If you want to know the value of one minute, ask the person who just missed the bus. If you want to know the value of one second, ask the person who just escaped death in a car accident. And if you want to know the value of one-hundredth of a second, ask the athlete who won a silver medal in the Olympics." After reading this you made me realize that the answer(s) to my question simply lie around me. I am sure your expertise is not on time, but rather being a novelist. However, if I could reach out to a person to seek some possible answers for my question I would first want to go to you. I am very much curious and would love to know why you thought about time in such a manner, and put it into this perspective where everyone reading this would understand. How did you know that these certain time intervals of peoples' daily lives could be compared to the such events you mentioned so that the effect would hit home with most everyone? Genuinely, I found your words ever so helpful! I did not know that within a minute I would be another step into investigating my big question that I have, and you have helped me already believe it or not! Because you bring it up, I am able to ask myself what the value of a minute is as I am the one who tries to catch the bus every morning at 6:55 a.m. Again, even though you may not have mastery on the subject of time I would like to hear what inspired you to say such things about wanting to know about time, and any input you can give for that matter will be amazing to hear. I await to hear from you soon, and I hope you will be able to find some time to help me with my question here. Have an excellent day!

                                                                         Your friend from the United States,
                                                                         Katryna Vong

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Essay I Revised

After reading my colleagues' work and sharing ideas, I realized I do not have to do anything to improve my essay. Inside and outside of class, my peers provided wonderful and thoughtful comments about my essay. Ultimately, all ended up saying that my essay had great diction, syntax, organization, and flow. I was also informed by many that my essay met all the needs of writing a persuasive piece including a hook, clear thesis, and parting shot.  I am proud of the result. Hope you enjoy reading my essay: A Hug Is Nearly A Gun Spelled Backwards

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Vocabulary V: Sentences 🍁Fall🍁

1. Shortly after noon, Frank was accused of robbing the bank on the corner of Maryland Avenue and Oceano Boulevard.

2. Not only did the man have a warrant for his arrest, but he was also being charged with aggravated assault and other related offenses.

3. Ever since she was a child, Nicole dreamed of becoming a Broadway star in New York, and this audition, that she has been anticipating for about a year now, will be her make or break moment.

4. Researchers suspect that it is some type of capillary action that prevents nectar from spurring out while being pumped.

5. Some greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide, readily dissolve in water and later diffuses into the atmosphere.

6. Maribel earnestly promised her friend that she would never forget her birthday.

7. Lucy has been in the sewing industry for several years, and never has she seen a curtain fringe so awful as this one.

8. In class, I lost track of where I was walking as I was hypnotized by the desktop picture (being portrayed on the Smart Board) of my teacher's daughter's gorgeous blue eyes. I was so mesmerized that I stumbled over a chair and found myself laying on the ground within a matter of seconds. LOL... true story!

9. When reviewing the party photos I had taken that day, there was one particular picture I really liked which was the one where the candles on the birthday cake had illuminated everyone's smiles.

10. Many described the man as having a melancholy personality very much similar to Dr. Phil.

11.  The caricature artist gave emphasis to the mosquito's infamous proboscis.

12. Much of the film's intensity comes from Nelly's stolid performance.

13.  With no tree in site, the partygoers' had to be innovative as they had to figure out how to suspend the pinata.

14. The stay at home mother of six children got a transformation like none other, and by the end she looked like a completely new and refreshed young woman.

15. The audience all gasped and shrieked as they saw the performer pull out one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocabulary V: Definitions 🍁Fall🍁

1. Accuse: blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against

2. Aggravate: (a) to make a bad situation, an illness, or an injury worse (b) to make someone angry or annoyed (exasperate/irritate)

3. Anticipate: (a) to expect that something will happen and to be ready for it (b) to think about something that is going to happen, especially something pleasant  

4. Capillary: (a) the smallest type of blood vessel (= tube carrying blood) in the body (b) any tiny tubelike device that moves a liquid from point to point (c) long and slender with a very small internal diameter

5. Dissolve: (a) to dissolve something is to break it up or weaken it, making it no longer recognizable (b) if a solid dissolves, or if you dissolve it, it mixes with a liquid and becomes part of it (c) to gradually become smaller or weaker before disappearing (d) to formally end a parliament, business arrangement, marriage, etc.

6. Earnestly: in a serious manner or very serious and sincere

7. Fringe: (a) if you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead (b) a decorative edge of hanging threads on a curtain, piece of clothing, etc.

8. Hypnotized: (a) to produce a sleep-like state in someone so that you can influences their thoughts and actions (b) to be so interesting or exciting that people cannot think of anything else

9. Illuminate: (a) to make a light shine on something, or to fill a place with light (b) to make something much clearer and easier to understand

10. Melancholy: (a) characterized by or causing or expressing sadness (b) grave or even gloomy in character (c) a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

11. Proboscis: (a) a long thin tube that forms part of the mouth of some insects and worms (b) the long thin (flexible) nose of some animals such as an elephant (c) the human nose (especially when it is large

12. Stolid: someone who is stolid does not react to situations or seem excited by them when most people would react - used to show disapproval

13. Suspended: (a) to officially stop something from continuing, especially for a short time (b) to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules (c) to attach something to a high place so that it hangs down

14. Transformed: to completely change in appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it  

15. Venomous: (a) full of hatred or anger (b) a venomous snake, insect, etc produces poison 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Words I Needed To Hear!!

This is the best thing I've heard in a long time and it is just what I need!

I did not have the best day Friday and I will not share why, but what you need to know is that day taught me something....... it taught me that not everything in life will be fair or go the way you want. What a cliche right? In this moment I cannot think of another way to rephrase that. Let's just go with it and keep it simple. I have something I have been constantly thinking about and have to put it out there.

School, and life for that matter, is never easy (you know just another cliche, but my reminder). Besides, you do not hear people say that everything is hard before it gets easy for no reason. Never have a felt the pressure like this year - my Junior Year. All the staying up, the sacrifices, the studying, the responsibilities, etc. seem to be ruling my life. I mean sure getting an education is all that we [students] have to worry about and focus on, but every single week I hear students complain about teachers not understanding that we have lives too. Not going to lie, but I am one of those students and I think about the work load and why I am even doing this to myself. You can have teachers acknowledge that they know we have personal issues and extracurricular activities and busy schedules to then just add another project and assignment to your daily work. You might ask (because I know I have) WILL IT EVER STOP and the answer is NO. If you are feeling the hardships of school this video will be a great motivator and truly will encourage you to keep going.

Here are some of my favorite quotes about life and the difficulties that come with it:
"Life is hard. But not impossible..." - Unknown
"When life comes at you, come back twice as hard." - Unknown
"Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger." - Steve Maraboli
"Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you." - Shannon L. Alder
"You were given this life because you're strong enough to live in it." - Unknown
"In three words I can sum everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
"Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever." - Unknown
"Be thankful for hard times in your life, try not to look at them as bad things but as opportunities to grow and learn." - Unknown