Friday, November 18, 2016

This Child Is Amazing

Have you guys heard of that TV show called Little Big Shots? I love to see all the amazing talent these little kiddos have! When I was some of their ages I probably was just learning to read my ABC's and write my name. I can only awe in amazement and wish I could've done something similar when I was their age. I guess I am really late on this, but I came across this YouTube video that shows yet another child talent. Meet this four year old Russian girl who is fluent in seven languages. This video was on my recommended feed and the title caught my attention. Even though I wasn't able to understand most of what Bella was reading I still was able to just sit through the video and watch her earn those petals. I was sharing this with friends and they all told me they have already seen this video and that I was about a few weeks late....oooops. I have been taking Spanish for some years now and I definitely have not become fluent in it. So to see a four year old become fluent in not just one, but seven languages is truly remarkable! If you haven't seen the video yet here it is....

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