Monday, November 7, 2016

Emerson Project Completed 👍

Yip Yip Hurray! We were told to come up with an idea for what we shall do to wrap up on Emerson. I had wanted to make a collage using pictures and I asked Daniel what he was doing and he was also planning to do a collage. So from there we partnered up to make this dope project in the time allotted because we were told we would get as much time as we needed and then boom! Preston drops it on us and says we have until Monday-3 days! So Friday Daniel told me he wanted to do a quote collage and I told him I wanted to a picture collage and so were thinking he'd do the quote side and I'll do the picture, but then I thought how weird would it be to just have one whole side full of quotes. And then we came up with merging both quotes and pictures. So Daniel met up with me at my house on Sunday and we spent about five hours collecting all the pictures and looking through about fifty magazines! We compiled a whole stack of just images and words that came to our heads that related to Emerson and his message On Self-reliance. Daniel had to leave because it was indeed getting dark and I was fine with having to put everything together since he did come to my house. And little did I know we had collected so many images and words that the collage was a massive piece of work! I was on the floor for some hours trying to lay everything out and getting everything to fit well. My back started hurting and my tush was not liking the hard floor and the next thing you know it is 1 in the morning. Like holy cows. Just to lay everything out and tape it down was a lot of work. And then I took it a step further and wanted to laminate the whole thing, but sadly I don't have those fancy machines that could quickly do that. And unfortunately I did not have packaging tape on hand and so it was just regular office tape. I spent two rolls of tape laminating the collage. I felt this was necessary because I didn't want pictures hanging off when we were presenting and it just would bother me. Plus, I had to some how roll this big collage and I wouldn't be able to do that if not everything was not taped down. So a few more hours it was. I couldn't handle working on the floor anymore so midway from taping I cleared the table and worked on there. And I was initially putting the collage together on the table, but when I was starting to compile thing I could already see that I needed a bigger surface to work with. So when the collage came together and the major parts were taped then could I move back to the table where half the project hung from the edge while I worked with the part I needed. In total, I spent a good 15 hours maybe and it paid off because the end results were amazing!
Ta-Da! Biggest collage I have ever put together that's for sure & definitely is grander than last year's collage!

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