Monday, November 14, 2016

An Earth Shattering Fart

A Sound Of Thunder was so out of the blue. To go from reading something like Emerson's On Self-reliance to this piece of literature was a sigh a relief. I thought we were once more tasked with having to read this difficult piece of writing and having to do all this crazy stuff with it, but to my surprise that absolutely did not happen. Instead, I found myself following the plot easily and understanding what was going on. I was taken on an adventure like none other when reading this story. Everyone talks about time machines as a kid, or at least I have, and so to see that come up again in another piece of writing and with a different perspective to it was quite neat! I am not too much a fan on dinosaurs -just not my forte I guess- but I found it quite interesting that this is what the character was wanting to do - to hunt dinosaurs. Overall, a fun thing to read about, but now I am left wondering why DP even had us read this. I'll have to wait and find out what is now in store.
It is all about the Butterfly Effect!

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